Sunday, September 30, 2007


Sorry this was so late but anyways. What makes me happy is my Family and Friends, and just do things that make me happy. If you don' t that you enjoy then your not being you and thats makes me sad but when I am who I am and people except that. It makes me happy.

Friday, September 21, 2007

" I Like to live in America"

My favorite movie of all time is West Side Story. West Side Story is the best movie. I LOVE IT!!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


For girls, I think it depends where you come from your backround. I think if you live in the suburbs you may face different challenges than someone you lives in the Ghetto of Chicago (inter-city). Girls face some challenges now a days that are different from girls in 60's,70's, and 80's. If you live in the city, girls face peer pressure to join gangs or being afraid of getting jumped. Maybe suburben girls or different types of girls my face weight issues, or popularity issues. Over all Girls from different parts of the United States face the same probelms. They just think they have nothing in common because some people don't give the time or day to get to know the other person.

For Inter-City boys, they face getting jumped or getting in gangs. More of Inter-city boys are now being more pressured into joining gangs and what ends up happening is that someone ends up being killed. From that I have asked some guys what's the point of being in a gang? and some of them say that for the love, the friendships, or just for the perks but when it comes to some of them going to jail. Some of there so called friends don't visit them at all and if they do its maybe once. Also, when one of them die they spray paint there name on the wall or put flowers where that person died. Maybe a week later you see no flowers there anymore they just forget and only some remember. For some suburban boys and this also goes for all boys too but its all about the girls how many girls they get but also thats only for some boys.